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Follow Your Heart

It is January 1947, and a determined winter storm buries the city of Chicago. The night is bitter cold, but not as cold as the heart of a mother who has just given birth to a child she never wanted.

“Follow your Heart,” tells the story of Katie O’Brien and her journey to find love. The story explores a broken parent-child relationship and the dominance and abuse inflicted on Katie by her mother Coco. Set in the Fifties and Sixties, 


 Katie finds love in a surrogate, father Mr. Al. He teaches her ballroom dancing and instills in her the courage to follow her heart. 


At sixteen a new love enters her life. Rick Anderson is a notorious playboy, four years older, and a fabulous dancer. At seventeen a tragic turn of events takes place and sends her on a frightening journey to the house of horrors, where she plans to escape her mother's abuse and dominance.


It is a gripping tale of abuse, romance, betrayal, and self-discovery. A coming of age story that will take you on a roller coaster ride of emotions about a wounded girl who finds the courage to follow her heart.

Ebook and paperback for sale now on Amazon

Click on the link below for either book.

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